NOTE FROM EDITORThis is an update on our filed law suit against the CVRD, Schnitzer Steel Canada and Cassidy Sales and Service Ltd. As you are aware we filed this lawsuit in June of 2022. We have two plaintiffs who have agreed to take this effort on by representing the community of Cedar/Yellow Point/North Oyster/Nanaimo, NODRA AND VIWWC.
We have, in early September submitted all of our documents as required by law and we are now awaiting submission of documents by the three defendants.
Area H had a townhall on September 22nd, 2022 - on "All Things Water". It was well attended and many, many questions were asked of the CVRD with few answers of clarity being provided!
There is an issue of potential contamination of the water at North Oyster School and Community Centre. The CVRD and School District 68 have both been asked to get the water tested. We are still waiting! We will update everyone here as this too unfolds.
NODRA and VIWWC are also working on an Area H community meeting to provide information to the citizens. I will provide and update here as soon as we have a date and a time for this event.
June Ross
Chair - VIWWC
Editor of