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7th May 2022
If you have followed along here, you will understand that there are two parts to our efforts to Save the Cassidy Aquifer. The first is the airport lands in the Regional District of Nanaimo and the second is the location where Schnitzer Steel sits in the Cowichan Valley Regional District.

I am attaching once again, our letter to the CVRD as a reminder of our complaints and our asks.
Along with this letter, there were two complaints filed on the same issues. One was from NODRA (North Oyster Diamond Rate Payers Association) and the other was from a private citizen.

Upon receipt of all of these, I had a phone call with Ben Maartman. He is the Director of Area H which is where Schnitzer Steel is located. Mr. Maartman advised he was scheduling a public meeting on the Schnitzer issues as soon as the COVID restrictions were lifted. I was told by a Mr. Tippet from the CVRD that this meeting would likely occur in March.

We heard nothing more until I wrote to the CVRD again last week. Mr. Tippet, of the CVRD wrote back and indicated this meeting would like occur in June or after. We are not happy about the continual delays and our lawyer will be looking at this as time permits.

If we hear anything more, I will get back to you here.
