EDITORS NOTE: This Attorney General's report
is another piece of bad news. PLEASE take the time to go into the websites below and have a quick read.
This website will also allow you to listen for three minutes so you fully understand what is NOT being done by government.
https://www.bcauditor.com/pubs/2021/management-conservation-lands-programDate: May 11, 2021
This audit examined whether the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development has effectively managed the Conservation Lands Program to conserve important habitats for significant fish and wildlife species such as species at risk and migratory birds.
Report: PDF icon OAGBC_Conservation-Lands-Program_RPT.pdf
https://www.bcauditor.com/sites/default/files/publications/reports/OAGBC_Conservation-Lands-Program_RPT.pdfAudit at a Glance: PDF icon OAGBC_Conservation-Lands-Program_AAAG.pdf