....continued from Part one
By the numbers:14: Cities contacted by the Leader-Post for their data about asbestos-cement water mains: Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Weyburn, Estevan, Moose Jaw, Swift Current, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Medicine Hat, Lethbridge, Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton.
75.77: Highest percentage of asbestos-cement water mains, in Weyburn: 59.1 km of 78 km are made with asbestos-cement; Swift Current is close with 72.73 per cent (152 km of 200 km).
1.25: Lowest percentage of asbestos-cement water mains, in Calgary: 66.623 km of 5,309.22 km of mains are made with asbestos-cement; Brandon's water main system has 2.87 per cent of asbestos-cement (8.4 km out of 293 km).
29.93: Percentage of Saskatoon's water main system with asbestos-cement (352 km out of 1,176 km).
10: Maximum length in micrometers (also called microns) an asbestos fibre can be while present in U.S. drinking water, determined by the EPA.
1,000,000,000: Number of micrometres in one kilometre.
Evan Radford is a Local Journalism Initiative Reporter at the Regina Leader-Post.