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29th November 2018
New Website!

Hello Everyone,

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for helping protect French Creek Estuary Land by signing the petition, visiting the Facebook page, or sharing information with family, friends and colleagues.

French Creek Estuary Land is recognized as a priority for conservation.
With your help we have over 2000 signatures to date supporting the community campaign to keep the area as natural land and wildlife habitat. Visit the newly launched website to learn more about:

Protecting the Estuary
Coastal Douglas Fir Forests
Wildlife and Habitat
Species at Risk
Watersheds and Supply
Proposed Developments
Ways to Take Action and More

Hundreds of you have included powerful, personal comments when signing the petition. We would like to feature some of these on the website and in publications. Please respond to this email to let us know if you prefer your comment be shared anonymously, or not shared at all.

Worth Protecting, Worth Keeping

French Creek Estuary Land provides a wonderful opportunity to protect sensitive ecosystems and wildlife, support community partnerships, enhance people's health and well-being, improve livability, and meet the growing need for the preservation of natural spaces.

Thank you,
On behalf of the Save French Creek Estuary Campaign

Visit the Website
to discover more about French Creek Estuary Land. Learn how you can help protect this ecologically important area and its wildlife.

Save French Creek Estuary Land is a community campaign representing citizens from French Creek, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Nanaimo and many neighbouring communities and cities.
Thank you for supporting the campaign.