14th February 2018
Editors Note: This letter is on the lead issue in the schools drinking water.
February 14, 2018
Ms. June Ross
VIA Email: jross12telus.net
Dear Ms. Ross,
At the January 31, 2018 Regular Board meeting, the Board of Education received your correspondence dated December 18, 2017.
You will be pleased to know that the district has completed Year 2 of lead in water testing. The district recently secured a company to address the recommendations and remediation. That work will be completed by March 31, 2018. In addition, the Board approved funding for Year 3 testing, which has already begun. Year 3 remediation is anticipated to be complete by July 1, 2018 - ahead of the original lead in water testing timeline.
Included in the funding will be the installation of at least one bottle fill station in every school where lead in water was tested.
By advancing the testing and remediation timeline, and approving funding for bottle fill stations, the district is confident that it will alleviate any lead in water concerns.
Steve Rae
Board Chair