The Hornby Water Stewardship Project is a program of the Heron Rocks Friendship Centre, and is being undertaken by members of our community on a volunteer basis. The Project endeavors to encourage and enable everyone to learn about the value and vulnerability of the groundwater, the fresh surface waters and the marine waters of Hornby Island. The Project also fosters the conservation and protection of these waters for today and for future generations. This is accomplished through active involvement of its members and encouragement to others so they may make the right choices on water and land use and on waste water disposal.
The fundamental goal of the Project is respect by all for the water which sustains our island and indeed our planet.
Some of the activities under the Project include:
- Obtaining an understanding of the quality of the surface and marine waters and the groundwater of Hornby Island. Initially an extensive sampling and analysis program was undertaken. The results are compiled and discussed in the September 1999
- Report on the Activities of the Project March 1996 to May 1999. The information contained in this report has provided a foundation for subsequent initiatives by members of the Project including some additional water sampling/analysis in the areas of particular concern.
- Establishing a library containing reports, brochures, data and various publications pertaining to water in general and water stewardship specific to Hornby Island.
- Preparing information brochures which will inform, encourage and enable people to conserve and protect the waters of Hornby Island.
- Developing an increased awareness of the aquifers of the Island and the need to conserve and protect our vulnerable groundwater.
- Providing water testing bottles and instructions to residents which enables people to have the quality of their well water checked.
- Undertaking specific projects to improve water and enhance groundwater recharge. In the Sandpiper Area, The DePape Ditch Project demonstrates that simple technologies can reduce the incidence of E.coli up to 30% in a modified ditch.
- Encouraging water conservation through rainwater harvesting and providing sources for information on water conservation and quality protection measures.