South Wellington and Area Community Association
Mission Statement:
To promote South Wellington, to foster community and support community programs and protect the agricultural and residential aspects of our community.
The SWACA Board of Directors assist to promote activities that enhance the quality of rural life for the residents of South Wellington and area.
SWACA seeks community input, and invites residents to participate in the monthly community meetings at the Cranberry Community Centre at 1555 Morden Road (next door to the Cranberry Volunteer Fire Dept hall). The SWACA membership is dedicated to further the spirit of community interaction among the residents of South Wellington and surrounding area.
Vision Statement
The South Wellington and Area Community Association (SWACA) is committed to supporting the rural values, quality of life, and sense of community, long cherished by our area residents in harmony with a clean, safe, healthy, and sustainable natural environment.
The South Wellington and Area Community Association’s objectives include, but are not limited to, the following:
1.Pursue, enhance, and protect the values expressed in our Vision Statement;
2.Support Community cultural, recreational, educational, and social activities focusing on the health and well-being of our residents;
3.Support the acquisition, enhancement, and Community use of public facilities;
4.Acquire, protect, and enhance significant local features and natural areas;
5.Provide direction and leadership in dealing with Community issues;
6.Liaise with other organizations in support of common objectives;
7.Celebrate the South Wellington and Area Community as a good place to live, raise families, and conduct business in a holistic, community-minded way.
Directors: Krista Seggle, Doug Catley, Barbara Ehmig
Contact: Lavonne Garnett- landforlifeshaw.ca
Doug Catley - catleytelus.net